5 Indigenous Stories to read for NAIDOC Week

5 Indigenous Stories to read for NAIDOC Week

In celebration of NAIDOC Week, we want to highlight some of the incredible Indigenous women whose stories we’ve shared in Nevertheless Journal. ⁠

NAIDOC Week is recognised each July as a time to celebrate the histories, cultures and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

In Journal One and Two, we've had the privilege of speaking with Indigenous people from various communities and cultures to hear about their stories of persistence, passion and purpose. 

Meet some of the incredible women who have shared their stories with us...

Dr Lois Peeler AM || Journal Two

Best known as a member of The Sapphires, Lois is also the first Aboriginal model and TV host in Australia, has run Victoria's only Aboriginal-controlled school and was awarded Female Elder of the Year - among many other remarkable accomplishments!

Taneeka Thomas || Journal One

A midwife, educator and mother, Taneeka works with mothers through their pregnancy and early stages of motherhood, providing antenatal and postnatal healthcare, helping to break down the barriers to accessing healthcare.

Ena & Colleen Sam || Journal One

These two incredible women have backbones of steel, forged through the fires of racism, and strengthened by the weight of the long lineage they carry in their bones.⁠

Jenny Fraser || Journal Two

Jenny Fraser is an indigenous filmmaker telling stories of healing, freedom and joy. Her films are powerful, thought-provoking and a reflection of her deep connection to country.

Justine Dillon || Journal One

Justine's life has been a battle from the start. Now she gets up every morning and puts on the mental armour to face an ongoing uphill battle to undo the erasure of her mob’s traditional ownership.⁠

This week, have a flick through the pages of Nevertheless and read more about these incredible women. ⁠

If you haven't picked up a copy, you can purchase our Journal One + Two Bundle right here